okay.. what even is this?!?!?!? why should i care?!?!?

this image is a placeholder for now
hey, that's me!
"MSPain" is a passion project I've had since 2020 ish (though im sure earlier iderations of it have existed prior in doodles and notes..) It started as a vent comic about how socally awkward i am and evolved from that, to something with a plot that i later figured out that i didn't enjoy the humor as much with a story-driven plot or anything, and now it doesn't have a plot again. sometimes all you need is brainless nonsense, ya'know?

as stated, comic as a whole has no plot, really. that's kind of the point both in a literal and metaphorical sense. i'm on the autism spectrum and therefore see the world diffrently, so MSPain is also self expression? it's just a comic about me and my friends! there's a lot more to it than at first glance, and in the momen't i'm working on a big paper for school that explains it all - so that'll be coming at some point..