Damo's Blog
a man's ramblings
ok. i am so pissed. i get it like sure creme brulee cookie is sexy or whatever sure. cool. got it. but have you SEEN the beta design for them?!?!?!?!? its like infinitely better.
during CRK's golden cheese update they put out a bunch of concept designs for cookies that could be included in shit and like come on. the cookies there are SO GOOD. especially creme brulee because they would have been so kick ass. I think its so clever to have creme brulee cookie be an archeologist because thats what you DO TO EAT CREME BRULEE YOU LIKE DIG IT UP. THATS SO SILLY. Just the design as a whole is so much better and i feel like though this coming update is gonna be good, they're SO pandering. its such a shame.
honestly i have no idea how to start this but i've been trying to like think it into existence for a few days now. to give a little background for this post, back in 2020 i was in a really weird time in my life (like may other people) and looking back on it, it like almost doesn't feel real. anyways - 2020 was the real start to the downhill spiral of my depression, and going into that of course i wanted to listen to something of the same mood. this is where i came across Mom Jean's most popular album titles "best buds." if there was any word to describe that album to me at that time (and sometimes even now) it would be just "clicked." that album altered my brain chemistry. never had i had music like that hit me so hard in that sort of way. it's a magical feeling almost. sure it's not really the best to say that i related to that album, as honestly, i kinda didn't? like in a literal sense, i mean. i had never done anything that any of the songs had talked about, like missing sex and smoking weed with other people, moving into a new house, missing an ex, etc. but what i connected with most was the emotion - the feelings behind the words, the sentiment within the instrumental. it all expressed what i was feeling perfectly. i honestly feel like there's more to say about it but i think that's the jist, that i have/had emotionally connected myself to this song in a way. the "best buds" album had really gotten me through high school, and even now in my senior year i still listen, even if my life has improved a lot since then.
this is where the real meat of the blog post comes in. spotify often suggests recent albums that artists' you follow post, and i had so happen to been recommended the newest Mom Jean's album - "Bear Market." i really had no idea what i had stumbled on and was just excited that a band i liked had released something again. when i played it i didn't expect to be flashbanged by a really familiar melody after the first track. no way.. this isn't.. this isn't death cup, is it? oh but it totally way, it was death cup (the first song in "best buds") but it was different. instead of the usual and expected sad acoustic, it was something much softer. coming to find out that "Bear Market" was really just a re-imagining of some of their other songs made me feel something that i don't really have the opportunity to feel often, and honestly it's a feeling that i don't have words to. it was like i had watched everything for the past three almost four years now just replay in my head, and now i'm here. i thought back on everything, and much like the song, i had come to this conclusion:
the progression of these two albums had been, in a sense, just like my own personal progression. from the outside i could imagine it as like watching a man fall in and then crawl out of a hole and come out victorious. it was nostalgic, listening to what was my journey as a human. emotions are so complicated, and the beauty and scale of such is so beautiful and so complex it really deserves its own blog post as a whole. it's bittersweet, but i really don't think this could have come at a better time. it motivated me to make some big changes in my life, and looking back on it all, i'm so proud of where i've come out at the end of it all.
thank you, Mom Jeans. please listen to the albums if you can!